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Ask for Mandy
760 Campbell St, Tofino, BC, V0R 2Z0
Phone: (250) 522-0188
We are family owned and operated, and running this business a
little different than the average motel. We strive to make your
stay as comfortable as possible, with clean rooms and comfy
beds, so you are well rested for all your adventures in and
around Tofino. |
The South Island Sea Kayaking
Association (SISKA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to
sea kayaking on Vancouver Island, particularly in the Greater
Victoria area.
Nanaimo Paddlers is a group of of friendly folks who enjoy
recreational sea kayaking activities. Nanaimo Paddlers includes
people from all age groups (19 years and over) and of various
skill levels, from novice to advanced. We paddle year-round,
several times a week, weather permitting, in the ocean waters
(and occasionally some lakes) in the Central Vancouver Island
area. |